Tony Williams is a musician and artist who I've had the pleasure of knowing now for years. We met back in my rawk days when he played in a killer band called Staija with my assistant Chris Colaianni. Tony hit me up a while back & it took some time for our schedules to align for a session, but I think it was pure serendipity since the images are some of my best work yet.
I went out scouting areas around my house this spring and was blown away when I found this spot just across the street in the woods by my house. It was on private property, so being the gregarious gent I are, I called, left a message and figured I'd never hear back ( thus causing me to go in anyways guerrilla style!! ha ha=) Much to my happy ears, the land owner called back and after explaining that I wasn't hunting, fishing or prospecting from the oil companies he said have a blast and watch out for the ticks.
Chris and I set up these shots using a Profoto 600 in a 60inch Octodome set up in various positions & a Canon 580EXII hand held in a strip light. The other lighting was provided by God
Studio shots from my garage studio using a Speedotron 2403
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