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Friday, March 19, 2010

Going Solo-Luke Kramer

Last year while working on my ongoing Rock Show project I met Luke Kramer. Luke is the Guitar player for the GB Leighton band and a super talented guy all around. He is putting the finishing touches on his new solo album with a group of all star players & asked me to shoot some of his album images. At first I was a little hesitant having just moved my gear out of my studio of two years & feeling kinda bummed about that. I decided that I could still shoot this and (GULP) set up my garage for the time being. However, garages are secretly awesome studio spaces! I moved & arranged all night to get it feeling like a shoot space. After about 6 hours of work, set up, beer drinking & testing it worked great.
I used a few different modifiers for the shoot, octobank, custom beauty dish, 2x2 soft box etc. I was looking for the same look that Mark Seliger got out of his Bruce Springsteen shoot. I bow to Mr. Seliger and thank him for the inspiration.

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